C.S. Poe
May 28, 2023
Buy Direct from C.S. Poe
My direct store has been overhauled and now offers all titles (no pre-orders or co-written books) as well as eight audiobooks, including...
C.S. Poe
May 28, 2023
Pre-order: Broadway Butchery
Broadway Butchery (Memento Mori: Book Three) is available for pre-order! Release day is June 22, 2023. The audio will follow shortly...
C.S. Poe
May 28, 2023
Translation: Memento Mori series
The Memento Mori series has been contracted with two foreign language houses for translation! Juno Publishing will begin releasing the...
C.S. Poe
May 28, 2023
Translation: À la poursuite de l’Ingénieur
The Magic & Steam series is now available in French, published with MxM Bookmark! Book One, The Engineer—À la poursuite de...
C.S. Poe
May 28, 2023
Audio: Subway Slayings
Subway Slayings (Memento Mori: Book Two), narrated by Kale Williams, is for sale at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes! The audiobook is 7 hours...